Engaging Young Audiences: Movie Blogs

Enjoy a seat at the table to cinema's conversations with this roundup of film reviews. It sparks conversations about cultural relevance, (bad movies archive) social impact along with the ever-changing nature of the movie industry, serving as a vehicle for conversation and investigation.Motion Picture Feedback and EvaluationsTriassic ParkStar Wars E

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Blogs to provide Honest as well as Open Reviews of Movies

The meticulously selected collection review of films offers food for the film buff with a blend of analyses, recommendations, and personal thoughts that encourage you to not only consume cinema but engage with it on a much deeper level, taking in its rich flavors (bad movies site) and exploring its vast possibilities.See What Else is Out ThereJuras

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Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI Movie Review

Sick of Tommy stealing Jason's thunder? Well too bad, he's still in this one. The good new is said thunder has brought Jason back from the dead, to wreak horror movies havoc on teenagers, camp counselors, police officers and pretty much anyone else milling about his woods without adequate plot armor.Source: Jason Lives: Friday the 13th Part VI Mo

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Halloween 4 Movie Review

Released in 1988, 10 years after Halloween, Halloween 4 takes place 10 years after the Haddonfield incident. Michael Myers escapes a transfer, and returns to Haddonfield to stalk babysitters and murder a long lost female family member on Halloween night, but his old doctor is here to stop him! Yes, that is the (blog post) plot of both movies.Sour

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Gut Movie Review

A very low budget film released to 30 film festivals in 2012, Gut is the story of two friends who have drifted apart in adulthood, but begin spending time together when one of them acquires a series of snuff films. However, things escalate quickly as it turns out the videos look so real for good reason... Being so low budget, will this turn out j

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